Lucky Me! Supreme LID the way, Save the Earth Supreme Lid-Design Making Contest

Another contest in the block! Calling all moms and dads who have College and Highschool students, you might want to have your children join this worthy contest.
Lucky Me! Supreme brings you its Lid-the way, Save the Earth Lid-Design Making Contest. It's a competition open to all College and Highschool students who have talent and interest in art and designs. Here's the mechanics on how to join:

1. All designs must center on the theme: "Concern for the Environment".
2. No proof of purchase is necessary. You may send in as many entries as possible.
3. WINNER gets P50,000 CASH and will be regarded as the winning design on the Supreme bowl lid. That's COOL!
4. People's Choice Online Winner gets P10,000 CASH.
Log on to for contest details and to download the Lucky Me! Supreme lid template.

Now is the chance to make the creative juices flow and our environmetal concern put into action. Let those pens and paints do the works and grab a wonderful price. What's more, you'll have a chance for your art to be featured on every lid of Lucky Me! Supreme Bowl, what could be more rewarding than that?


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