As part of the on-going search for Singapore's biggest
Hawker Food Lover, the organizers sent lovely kits to food bloggers around (yours truly included). Thank you to the
InSing Team for the hand delivered "We Love Hawker Food Kit"! I even got my own personalized chopsticks! That's really cute! The distinctive Kopi Glass, hand towels and facial tissue with a special tag
"Got People Sitting Here!" indeed expressed an ambrosial sense of Hawker Food Culture. A Hawker Centre feel can never be more homey with all these within just my arms reach.

I share the excitement of finding what else Singapore has in-store for its already well fed flock. It's even more interesting to dig into its world recognized culinary pot to search for the unraveled food treasures. So, to all the food afficionados out there, you only have until July 9 to join in this contest. Beyond the cash price and a DSLR camera, this for sure can be a taste trek of a lifetime.