Confessions of a CROCAHOLIC
If I have but one confession to make, I know it for sure, I am a Crocaholic. Think of stuffs where the crocodile logo is found and I have quite a number of those, either sitting on my shoe rack or hanging at my bag organizer. Yes, I am a fan of brands like Lacoste and Crocs. I developed a loving (not just a liking) for these items for a lot of reasons. Foremost among them is its durability. These brands last for years so the price guarantees longer service. Sometimes you really have to pay for a better quality, isn't it? And as if I still can't get enough of these brands, I've started to put up an online store to sell items of these kinds. I invite you to check out my online store - TRENDULGE! There, you'll find the trends that continue to invade the market but guaranteed to bear the lowest price tags. Think of items you'd wish to own, use and indulge with, but wished they'd come in lower prices too. Look no more, this is your budget resource for great finds! Hurry! Check it out now while supplies last!
