Our new surroundings that is largely dominated by
Chinese - Singaporean Cuisine is daring the cook in me. How can I prepare authentic Filipino foods in this foreign land? By and large, this seems to be one of the tough challenges any expat deals with in living overseas (and I'm no difference to experience that). My first struggle began with the classic "
Tinola". It's a Filipino favorite chicken soup that's typically cooked with papaya and chili leaves. I've searched shelves inside out from one supermarket to another yet I didn't find any chili leaves here. Although most of the ingredients of the dish can be easily substituted like chayote with papaya and chili leaves with moringa or malunggay, I haven't tried substituting both with some other types. Much with the limitations of the available susbstitutes in the supermarket here, there's no other option but to take the risk of trying from the available ones. This explains for my
Chicken Tinola with Spinach and
surprisingly, it came out acceptable.
There maybe other variations or ways of cooking this dish but the simplicity of its taste and its comforting treat will be carried through wherever it's served.
How to make: Saute onion, garlic and ginger in canola oil until fragrant. Add in chicken and stir-fry until it turns brown. Season with salt, pepper and fish sauce. Stir-fry for 2 more minutes. Add sufficient amount of water (just enough to cover and cook the chicken). Allow to boil and simmer until the chicken is almost done. Add in green papaya or chayote (cut into wedges) and cook until tender. Turn off the heat then add spinach leaves. Serve immediately.
btw, I'm Thomas, a casual facebooker and twitizen. I was asked by my friend to help his PR company with Social Media projects. If he has clients that want some of their food featured, can these articles/PRs be posted on your site? Also, do you have a profile of your readers/followers?
Please inform me of your questions or feedback. Maraming salamat po!
Thanks for visiting the site. Yes, the blog is open to featuring food / products / PR posts subject to my evaluation. For further queries you can send me a note through sjm_bernardo@yahoo.com