How to Cook by Hamlyn
The book is divided into 4 parts. The first chapter focuses on the basic description of the ingredients or foodstuffs that are typically used in cooking. In here, you will get to know some details about your favorite fruits, vegetables, spices, meats, seafood, poultry, noodles, pasta, rice, grains, technically everything imaginable in your kitchen. In the second part, it shows the things we have to do in mastering the basics of the culinary art. Chapter 3 discusses the simple techniques we have to employ to any of our favorite dish to make it real wow. The last part, incorporates everything into practice. There are meal planning and suggested menus too.
How to Cook, promises its reader of everything h/she needs in one volume to create great dishes, by providing practical, everyday advice in the kitchen as well as serving as a source of inspiration for cooking. What's even better, the book is not costly. Judging from its content, the book is fairly priced at P635. Hence, it only proves that not all good things must come with a high price.