MOMS show how creative they can be!
FAM PICS! I've read about this fun photo-sharing activity of PMN 30 minutes before the deadline for the first theme. So unlucky me! Similar to Photo Hunters, a participant or a member of Pinoy Moms Network submits a photo that is home or family related, original and owned by the member posting it based on a monthly theme. This will be one of the regular activities (other than Weekend Herb Blogging and Royal Foodie Joust) Our Taste Of Life will be joining in. It was just unfortunate the 30 minutes was not enough to come up with an initial entry. I have something in mind that will fit the "Glossy" category. However, I don't want my post to appear something like hurried so I decided not to submit my supposed to be first entry. Now, I'm posting it here in our site. I'll make sure the next themes will be included in my calendar of activities. Cheers! to the Pinoy Moms and may the creative juices flow abundantly!
August 2007: Glossy 
September 2007: Potted (anything in a pot)
October 2007: Green
November 2007: Plated (anything on a plate)
December 2007: Messy
January 2008: At play
February 2008: Straight
March 2008: Learning
April 2008: Heavy
May 2008: Inside the fridge
June 2008: Bliss
July 2008: Imeldific (shoes, naturally!)
One of Life's Many Firsts
Sofie is the first grand daughter for both clans. Thus, all are excited to celebrate her birthday. We know she's too young to fully comprehend what's happening on that day, yet somehow, in
some way, part of the event brought a glow in her life. And it will forever be remembered maybe not by her but by all the people who love her and those who've shared with her special day. We sure have our own many "firsts" in our lives. And more often than not, we want to celebrate it all out! As others would say, because it shall pass only once we better make the most out of it! It doesn't matter how simple or extravagant it may be, what's important is we have it shared with our loved ones.
A child's first birthday is always a memorable occasion. It's a milestone worth celebrating and being grateful for.
I so agree! :-) Thanks for viewing our entry!