I have a confession to make. I have been a deliquent blogger for the last couple of months. But I need not enumerate and rant all the causes for being so. I'd rather rejoice for finding the time to get back to the usual :-). I can already smell the scent of the festive season. The lights, ornaments and holiday trees have started to adorn the streets, different establishments and houses. Although I've yet to put up mine at home, I'm beginning to feel strongly the wind of merriment. Oh Christmas, I'm so glad you're finally here!

During this period, aside from decoratives, we also often times get busy with delicacies and treats hunting. This early, I've started my hunt for sweet goodies to add up to my holiday food list.
Cookie Man (found in the basement level of Takashimaya Shopping Centre) fits perfectly for a
cookie burger recipe. I'm so glad to find another alternative (aside from Famous Amos) for a not so sweet, finger licking good cookies. The Cookie Man makes a very good ingredient for a cookie burger for it's slightly crunchy yet gooey texture. It can hold a spread filling well upon refrigeration. I'll share the recipe on my next post. I'm still trying on different spread and cookie combinations. Meanwhile, you can also binge on the cookies as is. In fact, my children feasted on a whole pack and there was nothing left for my dessert item.