When we have very limited time to spend in the kitchen, we often times wish for some magic to happen. That is to make everything easy and instant in as far as our cooking is concerned. This is but a universal want for time strapped individuals like me. We all want to offer something good on the dining table for our family to savor but likewise we don’t want to spend a big chunk of our time preparing for it. So it’s such a respite to find great cooking aids in the market. One of the newbies in the market shelves is
CRISPEE Perfect Match. If you have little tots to feed at the dining table, whose favorite among many is fried chicken, it is a treat to have a cooking companion such as CRISPEE. Yummy, meaty notes are guaranteed in just a whip! Just a simple pour, measure, mix and voila! An instant crunchy, crispy chicken is up for a good bite. The breading mix is very aromatic in spices and herbs but the meaty character is what's left dominating when the food is fried. Overall, the product is acceptable. It's also important to follow the cooking instructions to achieve what the Perfect Match promises its consumers -
"Cruncharap na, Sarsarap pa".

I particularly liked the idea of the instant gravy. At last, something that does not need heating or boiling to make one. All you have to do is add hot water. I just wish for a thicker consistency though, taste wise it's also acceptable. Sold for only Php28 per pack good for 1 kg of meat, this is a value for money grocery pick.
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