Who would ever think that a gasoline station would be famous for food? Specifically those to crave for - heavenly sweet, deliciously baked goodies?
Shell Magallanes made it all possible. It owned this trademark with the infamous
Ms. Polly’s Chocolate Cake. A proof that indeed it were able to set a new, promising business channel its rival company,
Caltex Buendia, followed shortly with its own banner Chocolate Cake. With such trends in existence there are certainly too many sweet palates to please in all corners of the Foodie world.
It’s been quite a while since I last dropped by at Shell to grab its well-liked chocolate cake. Much to my delight in my next visit, there are new sweet stuffs to try. New names that put my sweet appetite into craving are
Ceilin’s and Redado’s. After I mulled over this and that, my husband and I decided to bring home
Cielin's Brazo de Mercedes and Redado's Choco Fudge Brownies. I was enrobed with excitement until these goodies get through to my taste buds. As I chomped through each of them; momentarily, my excitement collapsed. Honestly, neither tasted the way I expected it to be. The Brazo de Mercedes is beyond a creamy, eggy, tasty treat. The custard filling felt paste-like (soft gelatine) in consistency.

On the other hand, the brownies rests in between a bready and a gooey texture. It's a little tough actually. Overall chocolatey taste is less sustaining. I tried to refrigerate it for a while to see if some moisture will enhance the bite, luckily it did. However, largely this experience left me less contented. These goodies were priced competitively, in fact very affordable. But somehow, I refused to think that the price speaks of its quality. Anyhow, everything is about preferences. On my next pit stop to Shell Magallanes, and I feel like indulging, I'll grab Ms. Polly's Chocolate Cake and Sansrival without hesitation. But if I'm tickled by the adventure of trying new things, I must be set for the risk I'm taking. Anyway, how would I know unless I give in to the experience, right?
